Audi Vehicle Security

Vehicle Security for your Audi – Install the AutoWatch GHOST Immobiliser and have what many experts would say is the best after-market Immobiliser available anywhere with a world-wide patent.

The GHOST is armed by utilising your Audi’s controls on the dash, steering, wheel or window adjusters. You can select a unique button sequence code, from 4 to 20 buttons, to start your Audi and drive it away. SO if car thieves either steal or copy/clone your key they will not be able to drive your Audi away.

The GHOST also has a unique Service/Valet mode available, which means your vehicle can be serviced or valeted without you having to give up your unique button sequence to anyone.

Book to have AutoWatch GHOST Immobiliser installed on your Audi today, before car thieves get to work!

How to Prevent Keyless Car Theft

The rise in keyless car theft has become a significant concern for car owners worldwide. Thieves have developed sophisticated techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in keyless car entry systems, resulting in a surge in car theft rates. In the UK, keyless cars are twice as likely to be stolen compared to non-keyless cars. This article aims […]

How Can I Keep My Vehicle Safe From Theft? – Car Immobiliser

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Ford Protection

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Keyless entry protection

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Commercial Vehicle Immobiliser

The GHOST Immobiliser has a Worldwide patent and is the only vehicle immobiliser in the world to use your vehicle’s CanBus Network to secure your Commercial vehicle.   When fitted, the only way a thief can steal or even move the vehicle is by knowing your selected unique sequence of buttons on the dash, steering […]

Nissan Security

Immobiliser Ghost is a great step towards having better Nissan Security. Install the AutoWatch GHOST Immobiliser and have what many experts would say is the best after-market Immobiliser available anywhere with a world-wide patent. Immobiliser Ghost for Nissan Security The GHOST is armed by utilising your Nissan’s controls on the dash, steering, wheel or window […]

Examples on YouTube of key cloning thefts

Key cloning thefts are increasingly common. One way to avoid theft or damage to your car is by using our one of our key fob immobiliser devices. See what can happen when one of these key fob immobiliser devices are not used by watching the video below. Contact us for our expert help.

Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser

Car Security Devices: The car security products are of the highest quality and are manufactured in a ISO 9001/TS16949 accredited factory. This includes our Autowatch Ghost Immobiliser. However, we do have a range of different options available for your specific car security needs. If you care about car protection, you can view more of our […]

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