How to Prevent Keyless Car Theft

The rise in keyless car theft has become a significant concern for car owners worldwide. Thieves have developed sophisticated techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in keyless car entry systems, resulting in a surge in car theft rates.

In the UK, keyless cars are twice as likely to be stolen compared to non-keyless cars. This article aims to provide valuable insights into the different types of keyless car theft and offer practical steps for prevention.

By understanding the techniques employed by thieves, implementing additional security measures, and remaining vigilant, car owners can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to this prevalent and persistent threat.

Prioritizing the safety and security of vehicles is crucial in safeguarding against keyless car theft.

Key Takeaways

  • Park your car in a secure location, avoiding street parking at night.
  • Use a tracking device on your car to help locate it if it is stolen.
  • Always double-check that your car is properly locked before walking away.
  • Keep your car keys in a signal-blocking pouch or container to prevent thieves from intercepting the signal.

Parking Considerations

One important consideration when it comes to preventing keyless car theft is the choice of parking location. Studies have shown that certain areas are more prone to car theft than others. According to the UK police, car theft is more likely to occur in residential areas, especially during the night.

Therefore, it is advisable to park your car in a well-lit and secure area, such as a garage or a monitored parking lot. Additionally, parking closer to buildings or in areas with high foot traffic can act as a deterrent to potential thieves.

Tracking Device Installation

Installing a tracking device in your car is a crucial step in preventing keyless car theft. These devices use GPS technology to track the location of your vehicle in real-time, making it easier for law enforcement agencies to recover stolen cars quickly.

According to recent data, vehicles equipped with tracking devices have a significantly higher chance of being recovered compared to those without. In the UK, where keyless car theft is a prevalent issue, tracking devices have played a crucial role in combating this crime.

Additionally, tracking devices provide peace of mind to car owners, knowing that their vehicles can be easily located in the event of theft. With advancements in tracking technology, such as geofencing and smartphone integration, car owners have more control over their vehicle’s security and can take immediate action in case of suspicious activity.

Installing a tracking device is an essential investment in safeguarding your keyless car from theft.

Proper Locking Procedures

To prevent keyless car theft, it is essential to ensure that your vehicle is properly locked. Proper locking procedures are crucial in safeguarding your car from opportunistic thieves who exploit keyless entry systems. A study conducted in England and Wales revealed that keyless cars are twice as likely to be stolen compared to non-keyless cars.

Therefore, taking proactive measures to secure your vehicle is of utmost importance. Double-checking that your car is locked before walking away can help minimize the risk of theft. Additionally, consider using additional security measures such as steering wheel locks or wheel clamps to provide an extra layer of protection.

Signal-Blocking Measures

One effective method to protect your keyless car from theft is by implementing signal-blocking measures. These measures aim to prevent thieves from intercepting the signal from your car’s key fob, thus rendering their relay attacks ineffective. By using signal-blocking pouches or containers, you can effectively block the radio frequency signals emitted by your key fob, making it impossible for thieves to relay them to your car. This simple yet effective solution helps to safeguard your vehicle from unauthorized access and potential theft.

To further emphasize the importance of signal-blocking measures, let’s take a look at the following data-driven table:

Statistics Keyless Car Theft
Vehicles Stolen 108,542
% Increase in Theft 29%
Most Targeted Cars Ford Fiesta, Land Rover Range Rover
Cars Vulnerable 94%
Signal-Blocking Measures Highly Effective

As the table shows, keyless car theft continues to be a significant issue, with a substantial increase in theft rates. However, implementing signal-blocking measures proves to be highly effective in preventing such incidents. Therefore, it is crucial for car owners to invest in signal-blocking pouches or containers to protect their keyless cars from theft.

Additional Security Measures

Implementing additional security measures is crucial in protecting your keyless car from theft. Here are four additional security measures you can consider:

1) Install a car alarm system: A car alarm system can serve as a deterrent to potential thieves and alert you and others nearby if any unauthorized access is attempted. Look for an alarm system that is specifically designed to detect relay attacks and tampering with keyless entry systems.

2) Use a steering wheel lock: A steering wheel lock adds an extra layer of physical security to your car. It prevents the steering wheel from being turned, making it difficult for thieves to drive away with your vehicle. Choose a high-quality steering wheel lock that is resistant to cutting and tampering.

3) Install a GPS tracking device: A GPS tracking device allows you to track the location of your car in real-time. In the unfortunate event that your car gets stolen, this can greatly increase the chances of recovery. Look for a device that offers advanced features such as geofencing and remote immobilization.

4) Secure your car keys: Keep your car keys in a safe and secure location when not in use. Consider using a signal-blocking pouch or container to prevent thieves from intercepting and relaying the signal from your keyless entry system.


In conclusion, preventing keyless car theft requires a combination of practical measures and a vigilant mindset. By considering parking locations, installing tracking devices, following proper locking procedures, implementing signal-blocking measures, and adding additional security measures, car owners can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to this growing concern.

Remember, staying informed, proactive, and aware is essential in safeguarding your vehicle against the persistence and prevalence of keyless car theft. Don’t let thieves drive away with your peace of mind.

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